Tag Archives: Spike and Jiaan

Spring is here and Summer is around the Corner!

 Spike here.


This is May 6th in our gardens! It’s Molly Fox’s birthday! Happy Birthday Molly!

April 25: Now I did not get to go to Yesterfest to celebrate those Pioneer Days in Bastrop, Texas. I don’t understand why not. I had begun to work up some lines where I would say, “Pie, where’s the Pie? I heard there was going to be Pie near.” Or another was, “Hey Where’s the great deal on the Pioneer VHS tape decks? I thought we were going to get some great buys on Pioneer stuff. That way I could watch my favorite movie, The Lion in Winter!” But no, I stayed home and had my own party. But that’s another story. I did add this picture of me because I look like I am saying WAAAAH! I didn’t get to go to Bastrop!

I suggested we do a CRAZY picture. Here's Kamil joining us making crazy faces! That's me with the biggest mouth!

I suggested we do a CRAZY picture. Here’s Kamil joining us making crazy faces! That’s me with the biggest mouth!

April 14-17: Jiaany Girl and I traveled to Austin for the annual Texas Library Association Conference. We performed at the Storytelling Roundtable Evening Concert.


Check out my video on YouTube – Spike in Austin!
Our good friend, Paula Ellis, did the video. Thanks, Paula! Everybody Enjoy!

Pampa, Texas: Spike reports on storytelling at the Lovett Memorial Library


Hey, it’s me Spike! Can you find me? I love it when everyone lines up so I can say hello.


I loved meeting this little girl and her friends.


Here I am reporting good advice from kids, such as, “Never let your cat guard your tuna fish sandwich!”


Here we are with our new friend.

Hey, what's the kid in the orange shirt saying?

I really wanted to know what the kid in the orange shirt was saying??