Tag Archives: 29th Annual Texas Storytelling Festival

News for March

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The 29th Annual Texas Storytelling Festival (March 6-9, 2014) began tonight in Denton, Texas, with the opening of the usual Thursday night ghost story concert. Entitled this year as “Goosebumps and Graveyards”, I know I’m missing a good evening of stories. Tim Couch, one of our own Dallas tellers is featured and his scary tales can creep me out! But I’ve been getting house and home ready today so I can enjoy the workshops and concerts Friday through Sunday.

Tejas Storytelling Association volunteers and those in charge of the Festival have been busy for weeks and days in the planning. I spent some seven hours myself on Wednesday helping prepare the registration envelopes. This Festival is one of the best anywhere aroung. Every year as I’m listening and learning and the Festival plays out, I even think about writing notes to all the board members and key producers!

If you are in the area or can get to Denton this weekend, make the effort. You’ll hear some great tellers and find yourself laughing and crying with a whole big group of other folks.

Here’s where you can find more information about the Festival:
